Monday 24 September 2012

Evaluation teaching session from a mentor’s point of view

In my opinion the teaching lesson went well, I was able to express myself clearly even though in the beginning I was a bit nervous.  The teaching lesson was my first as a mentor and it was a supervised session by my supervisor. I planned the whole session and I tried to deliver a well organised and structured lesson on how antihypertensive medication and insulin is administered safely. I did not use any visual aids but it helped me the fact that we were on the ward and we had access to use patients’ notes, drug charts and leaflets from different medications. I tried to keep the information at the basics level in the same time with giving important information about safe administration thinking that the student is in the first year and the teaching lesson should be tailored to her needs and level of understanding. We used the interview room for our session away of any disruption. Even though we established a good relationship and she was comfortable with me, the student was as nervous as I was, but in a couple minutes the atmosphere relaxed and we were able to continue calmly with our lesson.  The student shown interest and even though I left a few minutes reserved at the end for questions, she politely asked me a couple questions during the session.  Overall, the teaching session ran well and we achieved our learning outcomes. From my point of view, I believe that having established a good relationship with the student and a well-structured teaching lesson is a bonus for a successful teaching session.

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